API Reference


The generateReactNativeHelpers function is used to generate the useImageUploader and useDocumentUploader hooks you use to interact with UploadThing in your app.

import { generateReactNativeHelpers } from "@uploadthing/expo";
import type { UploadRouter } from "~/app/api/uploadthing+api";
export const { useImageUploader, useDocumentUploader } =
     * Your server url.
     * @default process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL
     * @remarks In dev we will also try to use Expo.debuggerHost
    url: "https://my-server.com",


A hook wrapping the native expo-image-picker module that allows access to the camera and photo library and uploads files to your server. The first time the user triggers the picker they will be prompted to grant your app permission to access the camera or photo library.

import { Alert, Pressable, Text, View } from "react-native";
import { useImageUploader } from "@uploadthing/expo";
export function MultiUploader() {
  const { openImagePicker, isUploading } = useImageUploader("imageUploader", {
     * Any props here are forwarded to the underlying `useUploadThing` hook.
     * Refer to the React API reference for more info.
    onClientUploadComplete: () => Alert.alert("Upload Completed"),
    onUploadError: (error) => Alert.alert("Upload Error", error.message),
  return (
        onPress={() => {
            input, // Matches the input schema from the FileRouter endpoint
            source: "library", // or "camera"
            onInsufficientPermissions: () => {
                "No Permissions",
                "You need to grant permission to your Photos to use this",
                  { text: "Dismiss" },
                  { text: "Open Settings", onPress: openSettings },
        <Text>Select Image</Text>


endpointkeyof UploadRouterYesThe name of the route you want this button to upload to
optsUseUploadThingPropsNoSee docsProps forwarded to the underlying useUploadThing hook from @uploadthing/react


openImagePicker(opts: OpenImagePickerOptions) => Promise<void>Function to open the native image picker and start uploading the selected files.
isUploadingbooleanFlag whether file(s) are currently uploading
type OpenImagePickerOptions = {
  input: TInput; // Matches the input schema from the FileRouter endpoint
  source: "library" | "camera";
   * Callback to run if the user cancels the picker.
  onCancel?: () => void;
   * Callback to run if the user hasn't granted your app permission to the camera or photo library.
  onInsufficientPermissions: () => void;


A hook wrapping the native expo-document-picker module that allows access to the native file system and uploads files to your server.

import { Alert, Pressable, Text, View } from "react-native";
import { useDocumentUploader } from "@uploadthing/expo";
export function MultiUploader() {
  const { openDocumentPicker, isUploading } = useDocumentUploader("document", {
     * Any props here are forwarded to the underlying `useUploadThing` hook.
     * Refer to the React API reference for more info.
    onClientUploadComplete: () => Alert.alert("Upload Completed"),
    onUploadError: (error) => Alert.alert("Upload Error", error.message),
  return (
        onPress={() => {
            input, // Matches the input schema from the FileRouter endpoint
            onInsufficientPermissions: () => {
                "No Permissions",
                "You need to grant permission to your Photos to use this",
                  { text: "Dismiss" },
                  { text: "Open Settings", onPress: openSettings },
        <Text>Select Document</Text>


endpointkeyof UploadRouterYesThe name of the route you want this button to upload to
optsUseUploadThingPropsNoSee docsProps forwarded to the underlying useUploadThing hook from @uploadthing/react


openImagePicker(opts: OpenImagePickerOptions) => Promise<void>Function to open the native image picker and start uploading the selected files.
isUploadingbooleanFlag whether file(s) are currently uploading
type OpenImagePickerOptions = {
  input: TInput; // Matches the input schema from the FileRouter endpoint
   * Callback to run if the user cancels the picker.
  onCancel?: () => void;